
tarvitsemme kukkia

we need flowers


. Tällä tiellä

. On this road

more CV -" street photography" here


ryhdyin töihin

i started to work

. Aamulla

. In the morning
i had my coffee and
an inviting card from a friend
thank you kay!


isänsä ei ollut valokuvaaja

me, by my father

first on the left is my mother- she was travelling with the crew, when they were on tour, before i was born.
Dallapé- the most famous finnish band in 1936. my father is the 3rd on the left. ( 2nd in front row)

my father was no photographer
but a musician and a composer,
a trumpet player and a bandleader

my daughter found this book Punainen Mylly,
Moulin Rouge from a store. Punainen Mylly was a revue theater.
i didn´t know about this book.
my father used to work there when i was a little girl.
my early childhood memories about him and with him are from there.
i used to stay at the back stage with the dancers during the rehearse.
loved their dresses! love the smell in there. love the music and the atmosphere.
there are some photos of him in this book, that i have never seen before- strange.

my father died 4 days before i had my 15th birthday...long time ago.
ps. he is not the one on the cover ;)


, ajattelee kevättä ja sitä, että

, thinks about spring and that


näpertelee sitä sun tätä

tinkers around with this and that


! Vanhempi henkilö

i will use this opportunity
also to congratulate Jari
on his birthday.

take a look at THIS
Happy Birthday, you much older person!

and then the
Wisdom from

an elder

this is my grandmother.
these are the last words she whispered to me:
" Life should be accepted such as it comes."

she was a very special lady.

more wisdoms from CV-people starting here


kevättä ilmassa

it´s spring in the air and on a ski track

paper pearls and some other stuff soon in KINOS-shop


Kas kummaa

Strangely enough

they have climbed up my wall



at Valentine´s Day!

to all you friends out there





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. Comparable